Thursday, February 22, 2007

Top U.S. dairy company, Dean Foods, to ban products from cloned animals

Sam Fromartz, blogger, reporter, and author of Organic, Inc has an exclusive story at his blog Chews Wise on Dean Foods' announcment to ban the use of dairy products from cloned animals. Dean's announcement follows similar actions from Ben & Jerry's, Clover-Stornetta, Organic Valley, Straus Family Creamery, Stonyfield Farms, and retailers Whole Foods and Wild Oats, though Dean's decision may have the biggest impact on the commercialization of clones to date, at least in the dairy industry. Dean Foods sells dairy under more than 50 different brands, including Berkeley Farms, Borden, AltaDena, Land O' Lakes, Garelick, Hershey's Milk, Meadow Gold and Verifine. Dean also sells under many private label supermarket brands, and owns Horizon Dairy, the country's largest organic milk brand. Dean Foods is the industry leader, raking in over $10 billion in annual sales.

Read Dean's position statement over at Chews Wise

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